Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Family Time - Day 4, 5 & 6 - July 13-15

So the post everyday didn't happen...but here is what I've been up to..


Today was all about the money!  I slept in, got around and then headed to Johnathan and Ashley's place.  They bank at Commerce bank and were able to exchange our money for euros for us.  Yay Foreign money!  As Ashley would say, its so pretty!

We hung out at their place and we played with the kiddos.  Miles was actually awake most of the day!  And he is one wiggly kid!

That evening, my parents and Brian joined us for dinner.  The boys grilled out and we hung out in the air conditioning.  The joke of the night was the yellow watermelon.  Mom and Dad were bringing over the meat/buns and Ash and I were in charge of sides.  So we went to Price Chopper and wanted watermelon.  The sign said "seedless yellow watermelon."  Well we really didn't think it was actually yellow.
Oh no, it was yellow.  It tasted exactly like regular watermelon, it was just yellow! Weird.  But we were the butt of all the jokes the rest of the night because we didn't think the sign meant it would actually be yellow!

I was able to give the kiddos their souvenirs from my time in California at Universal Studios.  River got a Sully jacket and she was freaking adorable in it!

We stayed up late watching Jupiter Ascending...and it was okay.  Meh.

My shot of follitism went fine.  The headache is getting more intense and hurts.  Just trying to think bigger picture, it will be worth it.


Tuesday was all about cleaning!  I detail cleaned the bathrooms in the house...literally detail cleaned.  With a toothbrush and all! Whew!  It was exhausting.  I cleaned up the rest of my house and tried to work on my stats project that is due on friday - but I still don't have all the data I need.  EEK!  Starting to get a bit freaked out about that one.  I also gave the puppies a bath!  Jack was normal, Ally at the soap.  Pretty much normal for them!  They were running laps after and I tried to get pictures, but Ally moves too fast to be photogenic!

On the positive note, the meds we ordered from the US (the 2nd set, since the first set are still stuck with the FDA) arrived!  Yay meds!

Tuesday evening, I went down to the Title Boxing Club in Belton with Mom and Ashley to go to their Ladies Night Out Event!  We did a class, got some food and a gift bag.  The best part was the massage afterwards!  AHHHH!  Glorious.

Then we went back to Mom & Dads and hung out.  When I box, I don't wear shoes so that I can turn my feet easier and so by the end of a class, my feet turn black from the rubber mats.  Well River kept seeing them and would say "UCK!"  So I told her to fix it...she goes into the kitchen, grabs a dish towel and starts cleaning my feet.  It was hilarious!!!

Then she saw me put my bandaid on after I did my injection and she said "owe!"  The rest of the night she would raise up my shirt, point to my bandaid and say "owe!"  She is stinking cute.  Love that kid!!  

Came home and watched a few episodes of The Walking Dead.


Scan day!  Had to wake up early this morning, but it was worth it because its Scan day! Doc in Greece wanted me to have a scan and bloodwork done today.  Yay needles!  Good thing needles don't bother me or this whole process would be a lot worse!

The results were...

Endometrium 7mm
Right ovary follicles: 12mm, 11mm, 10mm, 13mmLeft ovary follicles: 17mm, 11mm, 10mm, 13mm, 9mm, 14mm, 12mm, 13mm 

Estradiol today on July 15,  is 432 pg/mL

After hearing that, the doc in Greece wants me to do Centrotide at 7 tonight (so I better hurry up and finish this **just did it - that was a lot of meds to inject!**) and then Menopur at 8pm.

After the doc appointment, Mom and I did some window shopping and she helped me run a few errands.  We went to Jason's Deli for lunch and I made the most perfect ice cream cone!  So pretty.  I was very proud of myself. :)

We did run into another problem with the meds.  (Of course - I swear, meds will be the death of me)  Walgreens has my name spelt wrong - they have Rachelle instead of Rachell.  Well, when I told them this a year ago, it was no big deal because they knew it was me.  Well - it is a big deal with I go to fly with them on Saturday.  The prescription won't match my ID.  Freaking perfect.  So I had to call them and they can't send new labels for security purposes, but they are sending me a letter explaining that they are my meds and such.  Bah!  Just one more hurdle. I'm going to call the airport tomorrow and make sure we will be okay.

Mom and I went back to her place and I took a nap.   Then we headed to Title to get a workout in.  My stomach started cramping at the end, so I backed off a bit.  I did want to workout though because when I worked out last night, I didn't get my headache after meds. So we thought the workout probably helped.  I hope it does the same tonight!

Now I'm home.  Brian is cooking dinner and its time for shots!  More Walking Dead probably and then just a relaxing night at home.

Coming up in the next few days, its prep time!  Time to do last minute laundry, pack and get things going!!!  I have another scan/bloodwork on Friday and we leave on Saturday!

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