Friday, July 24, 2015

Adventures! - Day 15 - July 24th

Today was all about new adventures!  Before I get into update on the embryos because Mom wasn't too happy with that not being the first news... :)

Yesterday we thought we had 6 fertilized they called to say two more popped up and we actually have 8!!  The doctor said that 5 of the 8 are "beautiful" (her words) and the other 3 are "okay"  YAY!!! I will very hapily take 5 beautiful embryos!  Grow little ones grow!!!!

Now, for the day - We started off sleeping in (do you see a theme yet?) and then got around.  Brian was a bit confused on what to wear today because we were going scuba diving!!!!  It was entertaining to have him question over and over and I just got dressed and sat and waited. :)  He figured it out rather quickly.

Simon and Ruth had mentioned to us that scuba diving was an option for us to do while we were here. They offered the full certification which lasts a few days or we could do an introductory dive for just a few hours to get the experience.  We thought about it...and decided to go for it!  This year is all about new things, we've finished our biggest remodel, gone skydiving, made embryos and now scuba diving!

So we let them know last night that we wanted to do the intro course and they set us up for a 1030 appt.  Simon (our rockstar driver) took us to the dive place and it was awesome to drive along the cost.  So freaking prety!!!  We arrived, introduced ourselves, watched an intro video (which Brian then turned to me and asked "is it weird that I'm more nervous for this compared to skydiving??") haha.  Then we filled out our paperwork and started to gather supplies.

Suits first.  Make sure they fit and then take them down to the hips so that we don't burn up waiting.  Then flippers.
The guy asked our shoe size and I told him and 8
...he looked really confused.
Euro size??
No, no, no - american.
That makes more sense because an 8 in euro is itty bitty!!!

He hands me a pair and my feet are swimming in them.  They are huge!  Trial and error until he gives up, gets Brian his and then comes back to me.  Finally gives me booties and we find some flippers that work.  Then comes the mask, we each get one.  Time to head outside.

Brian didn't have booties with his flippers, so his feet were burning on the pavement.  We get geared up and weighed down with equipment, then head to the beach.  Once we hit the water, an O ring on Brian's tank gives out and air starts going every where!  Scared a little kid next to us, poor guy!  So Brian has to go back in and get a new tank and they switch out his flippers to give him booties too.

As we are waiting on them, we are just floating in the lovely water - it felt great!  We finally get all ready and do practice excercises.  We have to take out our regulator and put it back in, use the purge button, signal for and use another divers secondary regulator (called an octapus), clear out our mask under water and such.  We only struggle with clearing out our mask, but other than that - we are good to go and we finally get a hang of it.

We spend about 40 minutes under the water and looking at the coral, sponges and little fishes in the cove, we go about 6 meters down and it was super neat seeing it all.  It was fun to look at the swimmers from below too!  Overall, it was a really neat and cool experience.  We get done and head back to shore to pack up and get our certificates for our first dive.  Go us!

Call Ruth and her and Simon are on their way to pick us up.  When they get there, we go to lunch at the 1 restaurant.  The restaurant is T_____ 1, but I couldn't tell you the T word for the life of me.  We all order and share a platter of greek food, a salad and french fries.  It was delicious!  We had a great time just hanging out, eating awesome food and enjoying the great company.

On the way home, we stop at the supermarket to get supplies for the boat trip planned for tomorrow with Ruth and Simon and then head home.

Once home, Ruth gives us a tour of the main house.  We are staying in the apartment that is like their basement with its own separte entrance.  We have seen the sitting room/dining room/kitchen many times but not much else.  Holy crap.  Their house is amazing.  Absolutely amazing.  Breathtaking.  You should see the views from all the balconies.  Wow.

We hang out for a bit, facetime with Mom and then relax in the cool air conditioning.  Once the pharmacy opens again (around 6pm after their seista) we head there to get some more meds for me.  Ruth gave me some she had on hand after egg collection, but I needed to replace her stock and get me more.  I give myself props for taking pictures of the med boxes and then just showing it to the pharmacist because it made it MUCH easier.  Crazy thing was, my bottle of aloe vera was more expensive than a box of meds. Wow.  How meds are so different in the states.

When we got back, we opened the gate and Dippa (a puppy) escaped out the gate! So Brian got his run in while chasing down the dog. :) All puppies are accounted for and safe inside the gate! Time to just relax, eat dinner and sleep before a day out on the ocean tomorrow!!!!

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