Tuesday, May 10, 2016

He's Here! - April 15, 2016

Well, this is going to be a catch up blog, little man made his way into the world on April 15, 2016.  Here's how it happened....

First, back it up a few days.  My due date was April 13th.  I went in for my doc apt and I was still only 3cm dilated and 80% effaced.  Still no contractions.  At this point, all we needed to do was schedule an induction.  The doc said she would call and and then call me with the time.

We had planned to have the baby at St. Lukes East since it is so close to the house.  Well apparently they did not have an open induction slot until the NEXT friday...meaning I would have to be pregnant for another week and a half.  I was NOT okay with that.  I was so uncomfortable and so ready to be done and have little guy here already.  So she asked if I would be okay delivering at Centerpoint instead and see if they could fit me in sooner....I said yes.

Well we couldn't do it on Thursday because billing had to make sure insurance would cover a birth at Centerpoint...so we were scheduled for 5:30am on Friday!


Really freaking early.

But I didn't care because there was an end in sight!

So thursday I had to distract myself.  My mom came up and hung out with me.  We went shopping, out to eat and I got my hair done.  It had been almost a year since it had been done..it really needed the love.  Thursday night, I didn't sleep at all.  I was worried about not waking up and anxious for the induction.  I had heard horror stories and didn't want that kind of experience....

We arrived at the hospital ridiculously early and got signed in.  The paperwork took quite a long time because we had all the pre-registration stuff done for the St. Lukes East, not Centerpoint.  So we had to re-do it all.

By 7:30, I was finally in the room and the pitocin had started.

At 8:30, the doc came in and broke my water.  Weirdest feeling ever and glad that it didn't break on its own at home!

The machine said I was having contractions, but I didn't feel them.  By 9:30, I finally started feeling contractions.  The nurses were great, and since I was already dilated, they said that I could have the epidural at any point.  I just had to ask.

About 8 contractions in, I was like - screw this shit.  I've done the whole pain thing for hours with the ovarian torsion at 10 weeks...I'm not doing this again when they are offering drugs!!!

So drug me up!!!!

Epidurals. Are. Glorious.

Couldn't feel a freaking thing.  By 10:30, I was completely numb and I was doing great.

Now we wait.  And eat Popsicles.

And wait some more...and nap

By 2:00, I was completely dilated and ready to push..but they asked if I wanted a nap before we started...heck yes.   

At 4, they woke me up and said it was time to push.  They told me what to do (because I was pretty damn determined to not do any prep work...figured the nurses would help me out - and they did!).  I started pushing.  They make you push in sets of 3 during contractions.  Still couldn't feel a thing, so I would push, then just hang out and wait for another contraction, then push, then hang out.  After the first set, I decided we needed music, so Brian put on AC/DC.  We were having quite the good time.  The nurses were laughing with me, Brian probably thought I was nuts, my mom kept telling me I sucked because it was like I wasn't in labor at all.  I thought the hardest part was holding my breath during the contractions.  Just hanging out and having a party.  

After the fourth set of pushing, I had this thought...hmm...feel a little nauseous.  (back story on me...when I'm in a lot of pain, I throw up...but since I couldn't feel anything with the epidural, I didn't know I was in pain but the nausea was still there).  So I told the nurses I felt nauseous and they ran to get the bag, but I started throwing up before they made it to me...they got there like halfway through.  All i remember hearing the nurse say is "He's coming...and he's coming NOW"....and then there was a crying baby on my chest.

My first thought was, where did you come from?  Yep, I threw up my baby.

But he was HERE!!! And he was crying!!! And holy crap he looks identical to Brian!!!

Then next bit is basically a blur.  The doc came in to see the baby already out, the nurse was wiping him down while I was in shock.  He was crying and I kept telling him sorry for kicking him out of his warm home.  We did skin to skin and I remember thinking how soft he was and how long and skinny he was.  He really didn't feel that big!  

Then my body pretty much went into shock.  The doc was doing the stitches and clean up and I remember being so freaking cold.  I was shaking (my teeth hurt the next day they were chattering so bad).  So they took Connor to get his feet prints done...look how cute!!  They also got his stats.  8lbs11oz (so much for him feeling small) and 20 inches long.

While they were doing that with him, they were layering me with blankets and watching my blood pressure.  Blood pressure got down into the 60's and I freaked them out a bit.  They said that it just happened so fast that my body had to play catch up. (Started pushing at 4, he was born at 4:28)  I went pretty pale too, so that was kind of crazy.  Once I stabilized, they brought Connor back all wrapped up.

He still wasn't very happy, but at least he was a lot warmer.  Then everyone that was in the waiting room got to come in and say hi.  I really don't remember everything that happened, it was all so fast and  I was pretty focused on Connor and getting my mind to wrap around the fact that he is mine.  It was so surreal.

Well...that's how it happened.  Little man finally made his appearance!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Hello Due Date - Weeks 39-40 March 29-April 13

Today is the day we have all been waiting for....it's little man's due date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet he is still in my belly and perfectly happy staying put.  Mommy does not agree.  I have decided that he is going to be a little fatty and is going to sleep all the time (or we can hope).  At my 39 week appointment, they said I was 3cm dilated and 80% effaced...so some progress.  But I am lacking the necessary contractions for him to come out.

Never thought I'd be desperate for pain, but here I am.  Come on contractions!!!!!!!!!!!!  Lets get this little guy out here!!!!!!!!!

We did go in for monitoring last tuesday because he wasn't moving much.  They wanted us to be safe and get him checked out.  He was quiet...then they gave me a popscicle and he woke up.  Sleepy little guy freaked us out.  They said I was having regular contractions the whole time but I wasn't feeling anything, so apparently they don't count. booooo....

No wonder that I'm impatient.  The docs got my hopes up when I was starting to dilate at my 35 week appointment and they thought he would come early.  Apparently little guy had other plans.

I was scrolling through my facebook the other night when I couldn't sleep and I have a post shortly after embryo transfer about how he better be burrowing himself a nice home for next 9 months...well little guy, your 9 month lease is up and it's time to come out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everything is ready and that is such a relief.

- Bags are packed
- Nursery is 100% done
- All school work is finished up (I've been on maternity leave for a week and a half now)
- Grad school is done as much as I can (2 classes complete, only 1 to finish up)

Now, are we mentally ready to be parents?  Probably not.  I mean, how can you be before you have your first kid?  I was all anxious last week doing everything to get the guy to come out and now that I know it will be this week, I'm nervous.  Nervous, but also very excited.  He's already my little buddy, now he just gets to be my little buddy on the outside.

I have my doctors appointment today and they will check to see how things are progressing.  Probably do a membrane sweep to hopefully get things going.  We will also be scheduling the induction time.  Should be in the next few days.  Since we know the exact conception day, they don't want me going too far past 40 weeks because the placenta can start to break down.  I've had enough complications this pregnancy, we don't need to add anymore to the list.  He's fully developed, he's just getting fat.

We have come a long way but he will be here shortly!  Before my appointment today, Taryn and I are going to go get lunch and then go play with puppies.  Apparently puppies release oxytocin which can start labor...wish I would have found that out sooner!  I would have been playing with puppies daily!!!!!!!!  ha!

Oh well.  Keep us in your thoughts in the next few days.  Little man will be here soon!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Just a Tad Overdue - Weeks 23-38 Pregnant - Dec 11-March 28

Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know this blog is crazy overdue.  My mom asks almost every week if I've updated the blog and I always reply with a smile...yeah right!  I've been a bit busy.  To help you understand, here is what I did on a weekly basis

  • Grow a baby - requires A LOT more energy than I expected
  • Teach two different classes that have a lot of prep work to them 
  • Coach swimming (granted, I'm the comedic relief but it still takes a lot of time)
  • Run HOSA (a health club - and help them prep for state)
  • Take 3 graduate classes where one required 30 hours of observation and the other two I have to write a 25 page paper in each.
  • Help design the nursery so that Brian can do it 
  • And the list could go on and on and on and on
Overall, I've been a bit busy.  Here is a summary of the last 4 months of things that deal with the baby...

First up...in week 23, I burnt my face at school.  I was making agar for electrophoresis and it superheated and exploded in my face.  I really didn't think it was that bad and I thought I was just wiping the solidified agar off my face when my kids were telling me that I was actually wiping off skin...didn't believe them.  Then once the bell rang, I looked in a mirror and they were right, skin was gone.  Had to go to the doc and get it checked out.  Once the heat of it faded, it really looked a lot worse than it was...now its just slightly more red in those areas.  No real lasting effects. 

Here are the bump pictures...yeah...we missed a few weeks and I'm still not wearing the same shirt...

We missed last week - but this Wednesday will be 38 weeks along..getting SO CLOSE!  

28 weeks was another exciting week for us.  Happy third trimester and I ended up in the hospital yet again.  I was walking into school and it had snowed, I wiped off my feet really well and then walked right into a puddle of water on the floor and fell flat on my front.  Right on top of baby.  I called the doc and they wanted me to come in for monitoring since I hadn't felt baby move since the fall (he is normally pretty quiet in the morning anyways).  So I went to the hospital, got admitted and hung out in a bed all morning.  I was tired, sore and bruised from the fall.  But baby was doing great.  As soon as they put the monitors on him, he started kicking it. I just got to hang out in the hospital, watch Gilmore Girls and listen to his heartbeat.  It was actually a nice break in my chaotic schedule.  Around lunchtime I was discharged to go home and rest - and we all know that sleep is my favorite as of late.  :) 

Doctor appointments have all gone well.  We transitioned from once a month, to every other week and now we are weekly!  Here is the updates:

35 weeks: 1.5cm dilated and 50% effaced 
37 weeks: 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced 

They will check again on Wednesday, but we are getting there!  He is head down and my body is starting to prepare! I'll take it!  The docs are saying he will be here sooner rather than later.  If I make it to April 13th (my due date), and I haven't had him yet we will be induced within a day or two.  Since we know the exact conception date, we don't need to wait and apparently the placenta starts breaking down if you go too long after.  They will let normal pregnancies go longer because the cycle/conception date might be off but with IVF we know for sure so he will definitely be here by mid April.  I think he will be a March baby...but that may be my hopes of not wanting to be pregnant any more coming through.  

As for symptoms, lack of sleep is the worst.  I'm so tired of sleeping on my side!  I normally sleep in hour long blocks before I have to turn because my hips hurt so bad or I have to get up to go to the bathroom.  I told Brian this morning that I'm ready to chop by body into thirds...then sew my chest to my legs and just hang up my belly to let Connor keep growing and I can just be a midget because I'm just uncomfortable.  Obviously not a rational option, but I'm so ready to have this baby out here and not inside anymore.  

Other big things...

Ashley, My Mom and Charlene threw us a really fun baby shower!  We had a great time catching up with people and celebrating the little guy.  It was dino themed to match his room decor. 

And then the big thing we (really, Brian) has been working on has been the nursery.  It is pretty much done!  (Finally).  Nothing like some good ole procrastination.  
First up - picking out the colors 
Brian re-framed the whole closet to make it functional. 
Then Mudded and Taped the drywall 
Primed Everything 

Painted...round 1 

This stencil was going to be in the white space...so we did one.  Brian was frustrated with the amount of time it took and the amount of touch up paining he would have to do.  And I didn't like it.  It didn't flow, wasn't a fan.  So we argued about it..a lot.  Called Dad and got his opinion...and came up with Round 2.  to take the idea of the stencil, make it bigger and cover the whole wall.  
So We did 
Much happier with Round 2 
Then we did the other misc things that needed done and we end up with the finished product!

We want to add some shelving...but it will get done eventually.  The closet doors still need hung up.  They are done, just need installed and the rocking chair needs to be delivered.  We ordered the chair late - so it should be here around my due date or shortly after.  This is what it looks like - the chair but in the orange fabric color. 

So the nursery is pretty much done.  Just a few final touches needed.  All the clothes/blankets are washed and we are ready for this kiddo to arrive!!  As of last this weekend, the hospital bag and diaper bag are packed and car seat is installed!

I've had some contractions on and off but nothing regular yet.  So as of now, we are in the "hurry up and wait" stage.  Technically, I am on spring break from school this week.  The kids go back on the 4th, but  I don't.  My long term sub will take over on the 4th and finish out the school year so I'm on maternity leave!  I do have a few final school things to finish up today and tomorrow before I am officially done with school stuff.

Unfortunately grad school will not be done when Connor arrives, but I will have the majority of the big stuff done.  Right now, I'm in 3 grad classes.  I have to finish up 3 assignments and one of the classes will be completely done.  I'll be done with the other two the first week of May.  So I'll have some school work to do after he gets here, but not a ton.

To be realistic, the next update will probably be after he has been born.  But...I'll try not to make it his 6 month old update. :)