Thursday, October 1, 2015

A Touch of Excitement - Week 11 and 12 Pregnant - Sep 17 - Oct 1

Well, I posted the last blog and everything was great.  I was a little sleepy, nauseous, exhausted - you know, normal pregnancy symptoms but I was surviving.  

On  Saturday the 19th, I woke up and I was ready for a long, but fun day.  I was going to wake up early, go volunteer and time at the first, annual, Title Boxing Games.  Then hang out with Mom a bit in Belton,then go to Johnathan and Ashley's and babysit while they went to a wedding.  I had mentally prepared myself and I was going to make it all day without a nap!!!  

Nothing went according to plan, I woke up at 5am with a pain on my right side.  Ever since I had my trip to the ER, this has happened.  Nothing as severe, but still painful.  I thought another cyst was rupturing, so I used my heating pad, took some tylenol and just hoped it would go away soon.  It faded within a few hours and I thought everything was okay.  I went to Title and it was hurting a bit but I was making it through.  Then once I got back to Mom's the real pain started.  It was around noon and by 1 I was in severe pain.  It got really bad, really fast..  We called the OB on call and when we were on the phone when the pain got so bad that I was throwing up.  He said that if it was making me throw up, I needed to get to the hospital fast.  He wanted us at Centerpoint since that's where my other ultrasounds where and he said it would speed up the process.  So we drove from Belton to Independence. I'm pretty sure that was the worst, most excruciating car ride of my life.  Props to my Mom for trying to distract me from the pain and driving super fast and not getting pulled over. 

We made it. Once we were in the ER, the nurse checked me in (because my ID was at home...) and got me in pretty quick.  They ended up giving me 3 doses of morphine and the pain never let up.  It was awful.  AWFUL.  I had the ultrasound and that was horrible.  Pushing on my abdomen with that pain was no bueno!!  But she did find that baby was fine!  Just hanging out.  On the flip side (pun intended), my right ovary had flipped and cut it off all blood supply to itself.  Basically, no blood = tissue dying = extreme pain.  They sent the results to the OB on call and he came in and got me in for emergency surgery to flip it back.  

After surgery, it was night and day.  I felt SO much better.  SO MUCH BETTER.  Now it was just time to rest. Baby was still good after surgery.  

Sunday morning I was still in the hospital but the OB department took really good care of me. I was planning on delivering at St. Lukes East, but Centerpoint did a really good job so I would be happy delivering at either place. ;)  I got to go home Sunday midday and just had to relax.  I finally got some uninterrupted sleep, which was very much needed.  

Then started the fun, I was now on bed rest.  

If you know me - bed rest is not my idea of a vacation.  I like work.  It wears me out, but sitting at home all day is not my idea of fun.  But I have to do what's best for baby.  

The good part?  Mom wanted to come hang out with me all day so that  I wasn't alone!!! Yeah!!!  Fun days with Mom!!!

So next up, was lot of sleep, sub lesson plans, reading, sleep, grad homework, sleep, more lesson plans, trouble shooting lessons, and more sleep.  

Mom was really helpful and helped me get around at the beginning and then made sure I was fed too. :) We all know that I don't feed myself. :)  She was also there when we got the phone call from the doctor from the genetic testing we had done.  Baby is fine!  Doesn't have any chromosomal abnormalities an I'm not a carrier for any diseases.  They also know the gender!! But I made them not tell me yet and promise to put it in an envelope for us.  You should have seen Mom's face drop!!!! hahahahahaha  It was hilarious.  She REALLY wants to know!!!!!!!!!!

So she took the Week 11 bump picture!

And more bed rest for me. 

School was supportive and I just had to do sub plans.  My long term sub that is scheduled for April was able to fill in most days for me and so he got to know my kiddos which is a good thing.  

On Saturday, Charlene and Dick came over for dinner over the weekend and we caught up.  On Sunday, we went over to Mom and Dads for dinner and zombie shows. 

I was hoping the nausea was fading...but man, it came back with a vengeance!  Whew!  

This week was more bed rest for me.  Wednesday, was all about the doctors appt!  We had hit 12 weeks!!!  (Can you tell I had just woken up from my nap?)

Doctor appointment went really well!  We got the ultrasound first. I swear, Making pregnant women come in with a full bladder is just rude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  UGH!!  Baby was doing great.  Heart rate of 154 bpm.  It wasn't moving very much, so the ultrasound tech decided to assault my abdomen to get it to move.  Remember that full bladder?  Yeah, that was not fun.  But she got it to wave at the end and that was cute to see!  What a little hand.  See the pink hand - that's the size of Nemos hand right now.  

Its growing!!!  It doesn't feel real, I'm ready to feel the baby move already!  According to my apps, if you push on my belly, the baby moves back!  Hehe, I might not feel it, but its fun to think about it moving.   My ovaries are shrinking...slowly but surely.  They are down to 8 and 6cm and normal is about 2cm.  There isn't anything we can do about making them smaller, we just have to wait it out.

Doctor was happy with how my incisions were healing  and he just wants me to keep taking it easy so that my ovaries don't flip again.  Mom was hilarious at the apt because she tried to convince 3 doctors to tell her the gender.  Then when I was in the bathroom, Brian and Mom held the envelope up to the light...what the heck??? How did I end up with the resolve to not know until the gender reveal party???? Which is actually quite hilarious since I'm the impatient one. Apparently Mom asked Brian if he wanted to know and he said "yeah!!!" She replied with "Well why are you waiting??"  He said "Because Rachell told me I wanted to wait!"  hahahaha.  Good answer.  :)  Waiting just makes me realize that I just want a healthy little baby.  Boy or Girl doesn't matter - as long as both of us make it to the end in good health.  This pregnancy sure has been a ride so far.  Brian and I have decided that this kid is going to be a model because it just likes its picture taken.  That's why I have the pains/sick so it can have its picture taken on the ultrasounds.  I've only had 8 of them so  far when most other pregnant people have had 1.  Oh well, I don't mind seeing the baby!

Today was my first day back at work and it was good to see my kiddos but man, I was tired.  After first hour, I wasn't sure how I was going to handle the rest of the day.  I did throw up in the middle of 2nd hour (remember that nausea that came back with a vengeance?  Yep - still there) , but I made it.  Then I got home and I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.  Woke up, ate, and typed this up.  Brian is going to take the puppies to the park and I'm going to rest.  One more day and then I've made it to the weekend.  :) 

Oh, cravings wise...tomatoes and lemons are out.  Even though I have had thoughts about lemons lately......but really its potatoes that are my new favorite or peaches or green apple suckers.  But not all at the same time, that would be weird. 

Keep growing little Nemo, keep growing!