Monday, July 23, 2012

A Weekend to Remember

Normally when I walk into my classroom on Monday morning, I will ask my students how their weekend went.  I will get the usual responses of "eh, good, fun, boring, not long enough."  Well based on this past weekend, my response would have been "AWESOME, AMAZING, FANTASTIC, WONDERFUL, SO SAD ITS MONDAY!!!!!!"

Sounds a little excentric; but really - it was that good of a weekend.

Friday started out fun when I got to go with my mom and some of her friends to the titanic exhibit down at union station.  Let me just tell you - uber cool!!! I have always enjoyed reading/watching anything referring to that tragic night and seeing the exhibit just really reinforced my feelings that it was nothing short of amazing.  Now, this sounds a bit morbid that i 'enjoy' reading all those facts and seeing the artifacts that sat on the ocean floor for about 80 years - but the history in it is SO COOL!!! Reading all the stories and all the facts about how the titanic was developed to its final moments afloat to salvaging the artifacts was totally worth the money to go see it.  What a great way to start my day.  When Brian got home he cooked a new meal for us - quesidillas. Not so original but its outside of our normal range of food choices. Then we went and saw the new Batman movie.  Epic.  That's all I really have to say to protray my feelings on the movie.

Saturday was a modge podge of events.  We had some contractors come out and bid the main floor remodel we are hoping to do.  Now we are realizing that I am going to have to use some of my stored patience (limited supply here!) to get this remodel done.  Its going to be a longer process than I had hoped - but eventually it will be worth it.  Its just going to take some time.  At least now we will have a goal to save up for.  Then we went to one of my most favorite places - Nebraska Furniture Mart.  I could walk around that place for days!!!! There are just so many cool things!  We think we picked out a new couch for downstairs and we got a printer that actually works and a vaccum that doesn't sound like its going to blow up when it touches our frissae carpet.  :)

Saturday night was most definently a highlight of the weekend.  We got to stop by Andrew and Taryn's housewarming party and we are so glad they are such good friends. We always have a great time with great food and fun conversation.  We reminisced of all the TV shows we used to watch when we were kids.  Also made us feel old when we saw the dates they started.  Ugh!  Why does time always move too fast??  I also got my bday present from Taryn - a bag of everything needed for multiple Pinterest craft ideas - does she know me or what???? I am delighted to get started on those.  We then left there to head up to Denim and Diamonds for Kristi's 30th birthday.  It was so much fun.  The company and the music was good and we loved watching all the line dancing.  How do they know all those different dances!???!!?? I had to give them props because some of those people were really rocking in out (country style of course).  By the end of the night I finally convienced Brian to dance with me.  Trust me - its not as easy as it seems.

You see - when we first got together (5 years ago) I was the one who told Brian that I didn't really dance unless you really loaded me up with some influential drinks ;) He said that it was dissapointing because he liked to dance.  Then as time went on, and numerous zumba classes later for me that taught me a minimal amount of rythum - i like to dance.  I no longer care how stupid I look - I just enjoy myself.  So this one - really applies to me:
But now that I like to dance - Brian doesn't!   Psh - figures.  Anyways - he finally got out there with me and I had a blast.  Once the music slowed down a bit, I had one of those moments where I couldn't be more happy.  I was surrounded by great friends and I had a wonderful man on my arms. It was a great ending to that night.

Sunday we got back to the real world and did some small things around the house.  My dad came over and helped us fix some electrical in the basement.  We finished off the night with some Big Bang Theory and relaxation.

The only downfall to a few perfect days - the alarm clock going off Monday morning.  Guess we are just going to have to wait a few more days for another weekend.

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