First up - Baby Updates!!!
Baby is doing great! I've had a few OB appointments and they all are going great. Everything is measuring perfectly and it's so fun to see him wiggling around on the ultrasounds!
Here are some pictures from our 21 week anatomy scan. All of his organs are great and there were no problems found! He kept moving around and made the ultrasound tech really work for the pictures!
He is growing really big! This is from one of my pregnancy apps and it shows how big his hand is. This is 12 weeks compared to 22 weeks!
I can also feel him move! I started to feel him at 18 weeks very slightly. Every thing I read described it as "flutters" and I didn't know how that would feel..but then I felt it. Flutters. There really isn't a good way to explain it. Now it is more defined and I can feel him moving around all day. I used to just feel him when I was sitting still, but now I can feel him when I'm up and moving around too. Brian has been able to feel a kick once! It was this past weekend. We had been trying to get him to feel movement for a while and every time we tried, baby would stop moving! I think it's because Brian's body temp is like 10 degrees warmer than me and so he would put his hand there and turn my uterus into a hot tub and baby just relaxed and didn't want to move anymore. :) But finally he felt it.
Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good. The nausea lasted till about 16 weeks and I had about had it! I hated being nauseous. There was was morning that I had to leave work early because I had already thrown up 6 times in class. I think I have effectively scared all my freshmen into not wanting to get pregnant! It was awful! I really struggled enjoying the pregnancy at that point. We had worked so hard to get pregnant, but ugh! It was hard to wake up and work everyday!
On the plus side, the bad side effects have faded!!!!!!!! Now I am just tired, but I don't know if its from growing a baby or how swamped I am at work - probably a combination of both. Belly is growing! Here are the bump pictures! (Yes, I know, I'm not wearing the same me, I hear about it every Wednesday when we go to take a picture and Brian tells me to change my shirt). I'm too tired for that!
And yes...we missed week happens.
And this week....week 22!!!!!!!!! ((I can't believe we are over halfway!!!!)
Keep growing little one, keep growing!
So in our lives the past few are some general things we have been up to. Obviously not everything, but just a snapshot.
We had a really fun gender reveal party! Cassie did a fantastic job and it was a blast! If you haven't seen on Facebook, its a boy!!!!
Being a boy makes the name determination easy! We have had a boy name picked out for years. Little man will be named Connor Michael Weiss!!!!
We also went to the Hot Air Balloon Fest.
And we dressed up for Halloween. Brian came up with the costumes - which he has never done before. So we had fun with it. He was Rick Grimes and I was Pregnant Lori from The Walking Dead.
We also celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary! Holy cow, how has it been that long??? Time flies! We went to Chateau Avalon, had a couples massage, yummy hibachi dinner, a bubble bath, and topped it off with watching The Martian. It was a great weekend!
Other than that, its really been a routine of work, sleep, eat, sleep, wish I had more sleep, work more, etc. The main reason the blog hasn't been updated is that I've been swamped. We started our coffee sales fundraiser every morning, then teach all day, swim practice, grad school homework, grading/planning work in the evening and then repeat. To say my plate is full is an understatement. But it will be worth it. Just have to keep plugging away!
Hopefully it's not another 2 months before I am able to update again!
Wonderful blog Rachell. With me being in hospital still I can't write much without wearing out. I love you, Brian and baby Conner. Pictures are great.