Wednesday, August 12, 2015

5 Weeks Pregnant! Aug 5th - Aug 12th

Well hello there!  It's been a few days!


This was travel day home from Greece!!

Has it really only been a week??? What???  The flights home were a heck of a lot less stressful than the way over there!  We hit all of our flights on time and got home on time!!!!!  It was a lot of flying in one day!!!!!  

We decided that Frankfurt is the most confusing airport ever.  Ever. We almost missed the flight because it was so confusing.

I was still sick at this point.  My abdomen was really swollen from the mild OHSS.  Basically I had fluid in my abdomen and my ovaries were super swollen from all the stimulation drugs and then the extra HCG was just making it worse.  I was able to not get sick on the flights, but man it was hard when they brought the gross smelling food out!!!!! Yuck!!!

We finally made it home and my parents picked us up. We headed to Hongs for dinner and it was great to be home.  Once we landed at home, Jack and Ally attacked us and then we passed out.  We were exhausted.   Jack and Ally weren't happy with us going to bed right away, so they spent the whole night with us on the bed cuddling. :)


Its pregnancy test day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I woke up early and couldn't sleep.  I was too excited.  I woke up Brian and we hung out for a bit.  We headed to the doc office and blood was drawn!  The lady told us that we wouldn't get results until Friday or maybe Monday...

Wait!  What?

I WANT TO KNOW NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I called the office and asked for a more specific timeline of when we would know and Brandi emailed me back...we would know by 2pm today!  YES!!!

Now I'm just impatient.  So Brian agreed to buy season 5 of Walking Dead to distract me.

We get an email.....HCG is 126 and we are officially pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mom came over and helped us take pictures to announce it.

We were really excited.  At this point, we are only 4 weeks pregnant, but like we said from the beginning, we are going to enjoy every moment of this since we worked so hard for it.  And we were really open with the whole process, so there was no way we could keep it secret for weeks.  We are too excited.


Really, we didn't do much.  We were bums.  I was still hurting pretty bad and really uncomfortable, so we didn't do much.  We did see my family and hung out Saturday night...but other than that - really we watched a lot of Walking Dead.


Second HCG test and an ultrasound today.  Today was the first day I woke up and I didn't feel like my abdomen was going to explode from all the pressure!!! Ah, thank goodness.  I was miserable.  Still not great, but doing better.

I decided to take a home pregnancy test today...I've never gotten a positive before...and....

Yay!  Then we went to the doc and they took more blood and did an ultrasound to check the size of my ovaries and the fluid in my abdomen.  We did see the fluid, but since I was feeling better - that means my body is taking care of it like it should.  As a bonus, we did get to see a picture of the baby!  The small black dot is the start of the gestational sac.  

Got the HCG results back and we are still pregnant and they are going up!  Second level was 429 which is what we want to see!!!! Brian decided to take cookies to work to celebrate being pregnant and so he spent the night making cookies.  And rubbing it in that the cookie dough was yummy...and I cant eat cookie dough anymore.  Oh well, the cooked cookie was good!  


Really, we worked both days.  I went into school and started prepping!  I can't wait for this year, its going to be awesome and SO MUCH EASIER THAN LAST YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whew!!! I'm thrilled to start this year!  I love my district, my classes, and my coworkers.  Its going to be a great year.

Today we are 5 weeks pregnant!  Next ultrasound is in 2 weeks and we should be able to see the heartbeat!  Grow little Nemo, grow!!!!!!!!!!  We would appreciate it if you keep us in your thoughts and prayers that Nemo keeps growing just like it should and we have a healthy pregnancy!!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad Nemo is 5 weeks now. Also glad you are a little more comfortable with the swelling and pressure. Praying everything gets easier as you go into the 8 to 12 week period. We love you and are waiting for every bit of news. Love and hugs.
