Today is the day we have all been waiting's little man's due date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yet he is still in my belly and perfectly happy staying put. Mommy does not agree. I have decided that he is going to be a little fatty and is going to sleep all the time (or we can hope). At my 39 week appointment, they said I was 3cm dilated and 80% some progress. But I am lacking the necessary contractions for him to come out.
Never thought I'd be desperate for pain, but here I am. Come on contractions!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets get this little guy out here!!!!!!!!!
We did go in for monitoring last tuesday because he wasn't moving much. They wanted us to be safe and get him checked out. He was quiet...then they gave me a popscicle and he woke up. Sleepy little guy freaked us out. They said I was having regular contractions the whole time but I wasn't feeling anything, so apparently they don't count. booooo....
No wonder that I'm impatient. The docs got my hopes up when I was starting to dilate at my 35 week appointment and they thought he would come early. Apparently little guy had other plans.
I was scrolling through my facebook the other night when I couldn't sleep and I have a post shortly after embryo transfer about how he better be burrowing himself a nice home for next 9 months...well little guy, your 9 month lease is up and it's time to come out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everything is ready and that is such a relief.
- Bags are packed
- Nursery is 100% done
- All school work is finished up (I've been on maternity leave for a week and a half now)
- Grad school is done as much as I can (2 classes complete, only 1 to finish up)
Now, are we mentally ready to be parents? Probably not. I mean, how can you be before you have your first kid? I was all anxious last week doing everything to get the guy to come out and now that I know it will be this week, I'm nervous. Nervous, but also very excited. He's already my little buddy, now he just gets to be my little buddy on the outside.
I have my doctors appointment today and they will check to see how things are progressing. Probably do a membrane sweep to hopefully get things going. We will also be scheduling the induction time. Should be in the next few days. Since we know the exact conception day, they don't want me going too far past 40 weeks because the placenta can start to break down. I've had enough complications this pregnancy, we don't need to add anymore to the list. He's fully developed, he's just getting fat.
We have come a long way but he will be here shortly! Before my appointment today, Taryn and I are going to go get lunch and then go play with puppies. Apparently puppies release oxytocin which can start labor...wish I would have found that out sooner! I would have been playing with puppies daily!!!!!!!! ha!
Oh well. Keep us in your thoughts in the next few days. Little man will be here soon!