Wednesday, December 24, 2014

2014 in a Nutshell

To be honest, 2013 sucked jinglebells.  Brian was sick and had surgery, we got hit with big medical bills, cars broke down, and it was just one thing after another that wasn't going right.  So both Brian and I decided that since 2013 was just a wreck, 2014 had to be all sparkly, merry and bright to make up for it. 

2014 definitely lived up to our prediction, but things are just so busy that I didn't have time to do Christmas cards and get them in the mail like I normally do.  We didn't even have a chance to get an official Christmas letter done and out in time - so you get a blog.  Hey, cookie crumbs are better than no cookie at all right?

Lets start with Brian, because he had less going on in his life. (no, offense babe - you know its true).  Brian continues to work as a electrical drafting technician at Burns and McDonnell.  Basically he works quickly on a computer making lines, circles, text boxes and all sorts of other things.  I once observed him and seriously, he would give the Trans Siberian Orchestra a run for their money on the amount of epilepsy he could cause by watching him work.  He likes it, and that's all that matters.  At home, I put him to work on the remodel.  At the very end of the remodel - Brian had yet another surgery.  I've told him numerous times that I'm ready for an updated model of him that doesn't have health issues! :)   He had a bulging disc in his lower back that the doctors went in and fixed.  It wasn't near as invasive as his last surgery and we were in and out in one day.  He's a trooper!  He is almost back to full health and he is feeling great! 

This year we took on the biggest rennovation that we have ever case you've missed all the endless facebook posts of our remodel the two and a half years since we've had our house we have remodeled

#1:  The Basement

#2: The Master Suite

#3: The Craft Room
and finally....
#4: The Main Floor 

If you have ever visited our house - you know how dramatically different it looks now.  We have talked about doing this remodel since we bought our house and it is AMAZING.  There are many times we sit here and think....this cannot be the same room.  The transformation is phenomenal and we are so proud of it.  I like to claim a lot of the credit - but I really can't.  I worked through the whole process and a huge shout out has to go to Brian.  He is amazing.  While I was holed up in the craft room working on school work, he was busting his jolly 'ole ass on the remodel.  Also, my parents deserve a huge thank you!!! They have been a ridiculously huge support and this literally would have never been possible with out them.  They are nothing short of epic and we can't say thank you enough. 

As for is crazy.  I started this year by ending my job at Oak Grove where I worked for 3 years.  I was lucky enough to score a new job at the Blue Springs School District.  I did my student teaching there in 2010 and then I got to go back!  It was a very exciting time in March when I got the job...only to have to wait 5 months to actually start the job!  And you know I'm about as patient as the kid on Christmas Morning (excluding my brother and I because sleep was much more valuable than opening presents early). 

I did get a jump start on the job this summer when I attended a month of training for the Biomed classes I teach.  It was a LONG month, but it was awesome.  I was surrounded by teachers who were just as passionate about teaching as I am.  It was one of those professional development experiences where everyone is drinking the spiked eggnog and everyone walks away a better person and educator.  

Then I put all that to use in the fall when I started my new job.  I'm definitely in a unique situation this year...  I'm at Blue Springs South High School in the morning teaching Medical Interventions and Biology, then I travel to Blue Springs Freshmen Center to finish out my day teaching Principles of Biomedical Science.  

2 schools + 3 classrooms + 3 different classes + 144 kids = never a boring day for me

Of course we can't forget the extracurricular activities either.  I'm the sponsor of HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) at the Freshmen Center and I'm an assistant coach of the Girls Swimming at South.  

I've finally found a wine that I like - and that helps with the stress.  Most days I feel like I'm giving Santa a run for his money on what he does once a year and I do it every day, but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way.  I'm exhausted, but I wouldn't do it if I didn't love it. 

Looking forward to 2015, we have one main start our family!  For those who don't know, we have been trying for about 2 years now with no luck.  We went to visit a fertility specialist this past April and found out that we have issues with both of us that make it a lot more difficult to conceive. We have had tests, been on meds and had re-tests.  We find out this coming Monday what the next step is.  (dang you Santa for postponing test results!!).  Whether the next step is an IUI, IVF or adoption; we hope to be parents or expecting parents by the next time you get a Christmas letter.  Everyone cross your fingers, send good vibes, pray, do a rain dance or whatever you do to send positive test results our way so that we can go with the cheaper option of making a baby!  
This year has been filled with lots of ups and downs from job stress, fertility issues, remodel craziness, and surgeries but overall, its been a great year.  

Here's to an even better 2015 coming our way! 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Am I Crazy?

When I say its been a while since I posted...that's an understatement this time. 


That is an accurate description of my life as of late.

To is what I've been up to the past couple months.

1.  I got a new job!  If you didn't know, I got hired by the Blue Springs School District to teach their Project Lead The Way courses!  I'll be doing Principles of Biomedical Science (PBS) at the Freshmen Center, Medical Interventions (MI) and regular Biology at Blue Springs South High School!  I am thrilled!! I get to go back to where I did my student teaching!  I also got hired as the Asst. Swim Coach and the sponsor for the chapter of HOSA (Heath Occupations Students of America).  = Next year is going to be crazy busy!!

2.  Finished my last year at OG in May!  Room is all packed up and I am all moved out [meaning my guest room is packed with school stuff],  and ready to start my new job at Blue Springs. Hardest part...leaving my kids.  So glad facebook exists so that I can keep in touch!

3.  During the last week of school, I started my first graduate class for my Specialist Degree in Educational Technology from UCM.  It's a six-week foundations class and next week is my last far I have a 100%!

4.  The day school got out, we left to go on our annual kayking trip!  It was exhausting, but a blast!  We had a really good time and it was beautiful as always!

5.  When we returned, I literally had one day off before I started working my summer job.  My summer job helping run the grading of the AP tests in KC started on May 28th and my last day was June 15th.  No days off in between and working 10-12  hour days each day.  I was proud of myself because I did walk between 7 and 11 miles a day = one exhausted worker! 

6.  During my work extravaganza...I was also still working on my online graduate course.  On top of that, I had my last class for my Master's Degree!  I now officially have my Master's in Secondary Administration! Wahoo!! And....due to the grad credits I'm earning this summer...I'll be a third of the way done with my Specialist Degree by August!

7.  Then comes my current adventure...due to the way Project Lead The Way (the classes I'm teaching next year) I have to be certified in each class before I can teach them. So the day my summer job was over {I even left early} I came down to Rolla, MO for PBS training.  Its a 12 day training, so I'm in a hotel for two weeks.  Today was day 2 of training and its a lot of work, but also a lot of fun.  We are basically going through the entire curriculum of a year in two weeks. The good news is, I'm staying on top of my homework each night.

8.  I leave here on the 27th to go straight home to run my first 5k with my family at the Kansas City Foam Glow.  I'm super excited for that!  Oh, and the last day of my grad class is the 27th too!

So when do I get to take a breath and relax?  The next day????

Oh, wait.  Just kidding.  Its not over yet.

9.  Starting the next day....we are demo-ing the main floor of our house to start our main floor remodel.  I'm really happy I get to help tear down that dang wall!!!!! So we are back to square one on starting yet another remodel that will probably take us 6 months.  Our goal is to have it done by Christmas so that we can have a big gathering with all our family/friends in our big open room!

Then I'm home for a week and I come back to Rolla for two more weeks of training for my MI class for next year.  Then I get two weeks off in which I take the ISLLC Principals Certification Test, help host Ashley's Bridal Shower and Bachelorette Party and then I get the privilege of being a Bridesmaid in their wedding on August 1st!!!! Since I'm technically new to the district of Blue Springs next teacher training starts that following Monday.

Remind me again...what is summer???

Even though I am so incredibly busy...I am also very grateful for all the opportunities that I have.  I may feel like I'm losing my mind on a daily basis, but it will be worth it in the end.  I know this was a lot about me...but Brian has been equally busy keeping up on all the other things that I have neglected because I've been so swamped.  He works, takes care of the dogs, cleans, cooks (<- who's kidding, you all know I don't do this anyways), does laundry, yard work and other needed tasks.  I'm so grateful for all of his help!!!! Love him!!!!

Hope every one else is enjoying a much less chaotic summer than me.  Send me some of your productive charm if you are feeling generous!